[theora] NHW Project - quality improvement for -l4,-l5 settings
Raphael Canut
2018-04-16 19:39:42 UTC

I have improved quality for -l4 and -l5 high compression settings.These
settings are now really better and very competitive, I now prefer them
compared to x265 (HEVC).

Update at: http://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/

I am also working on -l6 quality setting, I can simply increase
quantization for it but I am not totally satisfied with this solution for
now... Looking for more advanced processing at these compression ratios,
like an efficient denoising, as do HEVC, AOM AV1,...

Raphael Canut
2018-04-17 17:42:23 UTC

Yes, for -l4 and -l5 high compression settings I have saved a lot of bits
on UV chroma planes, more than the other codecs I think... But I still find
that saving on UV chroma planes and giving these bits to Y luma plane is
still more efficient visually... According to my tests, eyes (at least
mine) are a lot more sensitive to Y luma plane than UV chroma planes.

With this processing, I find that now the -l4, -l5 high compression
settings of the NHW Project are better than x265 (HEVC)!

What would you think of this increased compression of UV chroma planes?

Post by Raphael Canut
I have improved quality for -l4 and -l5 high compression settings.These
settings are now really better and very competitive, I now prefer them
compared to x265 (HEVC).
Update at: http://nhwcodec.blogspot.com/
I am also working on -l6 quality setting, I can simply increase
quantization for it but I am not totally satisfied with this solution for
now... Looking for more advanced processing at these compression ratios,
like an efficient denoising, as do HEVC, AOM AV1,...